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Mr. George Quotes


 “Some companies are founded on policy. This is wrong. Philosophy, the things you believe in, is more important. Philosophy does not change frequently — and is never compromised.”

 “Sharing your philosophy with people is just as important as having a philosophy.”

 “Begin. The rest is easy.”

 “You don’t learn much sitting behind a desk.”

 “I resolved that if I ever got to be a big shot in this business, two things would be done. I would go around and visit the stores. And if anybody wanted to see me, they could walk into my office any time.”

“Simply stated, the philosophy of Publix is to run a better supermarket than our competitors. This was the primary reason why I founded Publix back in 1930.”

“If you want people to respect you or your company, you must show respect for them.”

Customer service

“[Our slogan] ‘Where Shopping is a Pleasure’ isn’t something we dreamed up out of blue sky and white Florida sand. It’s a philosophy that has guided all our decisions and policies ever since we opened our first food store. We have tried to make good and sure that nothing, and I mean literally nothing, stands in the way of making that slogan a reality for each and every one of our customers.”

 “That friendly touch in customer service is the secret of our success, so let’s don’t ever lose it.”

 “The aim is to learn all you can about the business to do the best job you can for the customer.”

 “It’s not enough to know the tricks of the trade. You’ve got to know the trade itself.”

 “It’s been said we are not only in the grocery business, we’re in the people business. It depends upon how well we get along with each other and get along with our customers is how we’ll be successful.”

“I consider cleanliness and the friendliness of employees to be the most important characteristic of a well-run Publix store.”

“When we at Publix look ahead, we are also glancing back to be sure that nothing we do, no new device we employ, no new design we conceive, departs from our original principle … which is to make Publix, in every way possible, the market where shopping is a pleasure.”


 “I truly believe the future holds before us such fantastic opportunities it is almost beyond belief.”

 “Publix is like a smorgasbord with opportunity spread out for you. Prepare yourself. The opportunities are up for grabs.”

 “Success is doing the little things unusually well. And success largely depends upon believing in something and doing it.”

 “People are the key to Publix’s success. As long as we keep that esprit de corps and up-to-date in operations, I believe there’s no end to where we can go.”

 “Every store, we feel, is the best that can be built. And yet we know that even as that front door is unlocked on opening day, there are new innovations on the drawing board for the next store. That’s one of the things that really makes this an exciting business. It’s ever changing, it’s ever challenging. There is always the opportunity to grow.”


“One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in my business career is that no man puts together an organization on his own.”   

 “I think perhaps the greatest single thing that we can attribute the success of our company is to the fact that it’s your company; you own the company.”

 “Ideal employee-customer relationships cannot be accomplished without a sincere interest in your employees as real people.”

 “Don’t worry about when I’m gone. The company belongs to you. You’ve made it. You will keep it alive.”

 “Publix will be a little better, or not quite as good, because of you.”

Doing the right thing

 “Never let making a profit stand in the way of doing the right thing.”   

 “We have to prove we mean what we say, daily, to both our customers and our employees.”

“Be professional, but have human understanding in all business affairs.”

 “These fast-moving days in which we live must be enriched by gifts of individuals … individuals who will give gifts of their dreams, their plans and their ideals; individuals who give their communities good women and good men; individuals who will give our great country a dedicated citizen; individuals who will strive to make their home a complete home in all ways.”

 Once asked what he thought he would be worth if he hadn’t given away so much, Mr. George answered without hesitation, “Probably nothing.” 


Black and white photo of Mr. George Jenkins

Mr. George Documentary

See the story of Mr. George and learn more about his legacy, values and founding principles. Approx. time: 1 hour

Mr. George helping a customer unload groceries. Providing premier service.

Our Founder

From a small town general store to a grocery empire, he showed how putting people first could change the industry.

Our Founding Philosophy Image, Mr. George Jenkins and Publix Associate at the cash register assisting a customer as she checks out, black and white photo

Our Founding Philosophy

As Publix grows, one thing remains the same. Our founder’s passion for people goes beyond the grocery aisles.